Live in Stockholm 18th october!

unangel-klubb-dislocated-copperfields-metalYepp. Once again we take aim at the big city, 45 minutes east of our beloved hometown Uppsala. Sweden’s capital is the biggest city in Scandinavia and inhabits over 2 million people. But this blog post will not be about nordic social geography, but about what is happening when Unangel hits the big scary governmental city of swedish football hooligans.

We will play on Klubb Dislocated at Copperfields. It is located at Kungsholmen and lies very central. I think there will be five bands in total, playing during the whole evening. So there will always be some noise to disturb your regular pick up-lines – perfect time to drink beer instead in other words.

We will entertain you for about 25 minutes and of course: our merchandise – some CDs and t-shirts will be available to purchase! The best of it all is that we won’t have to pay anything to play there. Yes, that’s the hard terms on the streets for bands otherwise in Fredrik Reinfeldts Sweden today. We usually pay to play. Think about it! Soon the police will probably register us in a database because of our distorted looks!

Hmm… Think about that!

And yes, if you are in the area on the 18th of october. Please check us out!

UPDATE: Due to some changed rules on the playing field concerning ownership of bars and something that we don’t quite have all information regarding – we won’t be playing for Klubb Dislocated on the 18th – BUT – we will still play at Copperfields. Yepp. So nothing you need to get concerned about really. Just that for some undisclosed reason there will not be a sign behind us at the stage stating Klubb Dislocated. Instead we will try to find a new date when we can play for Klubb Dislocated – then probably at Broder Tuck. Well speculations, nevertheless, we will still play at Copperfields the 18th. See you there!

A gig gone wrong, gone right

spinal-tap-unangel-live-uppsalaYesterday evening UNANGEL had the joy of playing with the local death/black metal band Incised. Despite having quite limited stage space, we managed to get a good soundcheck and both bands came out doing great gigs.

However, being we, we also managed to create a couple of laughs on stage.

Not only did we have fun doing our thang… but during the gig Johan enjoyed getting a microphone stand on himself and the drums, he also managed to almost fall behind the stage on his drum chair, Thomas amp decided to go Windows on him and lost it’s sound now and then – only getting up to work again doing a restart.

Well, we actually made it out and did quite well despite the minor adventures. It doesn’t match the time when we played for two friends and a janitor – but still worth mentioning!

Gig in Uppsala – 18th september


The 18th of september Unangel will take the stage at Café Grand in Uppsala, rallying up with our metal brothers in the brutal death metal band Incised.

The event is drug free as we say here in Sweden. It virtually means you can take any dr..u… no, wait. Hang on. I got it wrong. Sorry, boys and girls. It’s the other way around. No drugs allowed.

In other words, if you are in the Uppsala area, and are up to some brutal music. Make sure to stay off the beer, liquor or other substances you find… hmm, seductive. But seriously, drugs are bad. Don’t do them at all. Stay away, simple enough.

Hopefully we will see you there at around 1900 o’ clock! Check out the Facebook event, right here.

Why we never update

We are mixing.

And that could be all there is to it. Finish. Blog post done. But one do want to tell more. Like why the mix isn’t done already.

Well, long story made short. Even though we sometimes think we can do all the stuff ourselves. One should also be humble and realize, that in certain areas, it is better to swallow the load and simply bring forth the wallet.

That’s about it! Hope it made things clear and we will once again see you, most probably, within 2 weeks. ‘Cause thats our deadline. Approx. Cool!

Metal in the night.

/ Chris

Live to win

Last saturday we had the fortune of playing at the local event “Livekarusellen”. It’s a annual event that is organized by Studiefrämjandet as a competition for local bands to compete for a spot in the national finals. We have participated the last two years and managed to qualify for the regional finals, but unfortunately, we have drawn the shorter straw both times. And you know what they say, third time is the charm?

Well, for our sake, I dearly hope so. Since failing to step beyond our local borders isn’t that much of a promising future. But what the heck, to be able to achieve any kind of mainstream success for an uncommercial band such as we, should be treated as a leap forward.

Of course we want to win the whole thing, otherwise we wouldn’t be doing this at all. The post title, “Live to win” is actually a Paul Stanley-song co-written by the swedish songwriter Andreas Carlsson. If you are into soft melodic rock, check it out. It’s a good book too, by the way. Google it.

Right now we are focusing on the vocals in the mix. Just, you know, compressing the hell out of it. Auto-tuning and adding vocoders on approximately 80%. Yeah. You heard it right. We are going industrial!

Or not. Keep it cool and enjoy this finishing riff of the song “The Pain Grid”.

Forgive me father, I have sinned.

If we were catholics, we would probably have been to a priest by now and begged for forgiveness due to our sinful and pathetic lack of digital presence. We do, of course, have somewhat of reason to it. It hasn’t happened that much to be honest. Sure, we did finalize our studio session for the upcoming album “Drunk on Hate“. But the thing is that we didn’t finalize quite the the way one should do it. We kinda… went a bit back n’ forth and worked, to put it bluntly, in a very stupid manner of time management.

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So here we are, almost done with the mix! And I can promise you, it is absolutely horrible. Mixing, that is.

If you haven’t done it, I cannot enforce enough how I do not recommend it to anyone. It is, without a doubt, a process where you are thoughtfully and focused on searching for the best way to hate your recording. But as the semi-professionals we are, we have broken through this wall of self-inflicted intellectual harm and come out very insecure but determined. As we usually say, “all we want is that it sounds like a real metal record“.

Aye, those boys and their high hopes… No, seriously, it sounds fucking awesome and after the mastering it is gonna destroy every goddamn speaker that sports a “loudness-button“.

That said. Check out these frames of cheerful idioticness and hopefully you’ll be hearing from us soon!

Watch Oskar growl-rap

When we recorded the vocals I took the time to shoot a vid of Oskar putting some words down for the track “The Pain Grid”. The same track that you can see Johan play drums on, a couple of blog posts back. We shot it quite quick and Oskar took it home for some editing. It turned out really nice and gives a good display on how growl vocals really sound without all the extras. Its brutal stuff to put it simple!

Anyhow, the vocals sound amazing (As you can hear yourselves.), and David also managed to lay down some cool backing screams that puts on another dimension to the choruses. Otherwise we are pretty much done with the rhythm guitars and I am laying down the bass this week. Hopefully we can upload some cool vid of Thomas and I hammering 5- & 7-string. ‘Till then, ciao…

/ Chris

David leaves UNANGEL

Dave the steelmountain

There have been several stuff happening in the UNANGEL-camp recently. Since when stuff sometimes happen, you also need to deal with them before you can really say anything about ’em. This is one of those things.

David is our bass player and he has been with this band since the beginning. Even before the band was known as UNANGEL and we went by the name Three Days In Darkness (which happen to be the name of one of our upcoming songs…) David handled the bass duties.

The reason is very simple and comes from David himself. We all have duties in life and must weigh our time in job, family and interests. Sometimes these things evolve and collide timewise. David feels that he cannot longer be true to himself as a musician and therefore chooses to prioritize his commitments outside the band. As long time friends and bandmates we are of course perfectly cool with this.

Good luck to future adventures!